State programs can save you money
You can get help from your state paying your Medicare premiums. In some cases, Medicare Savings Programs may also pay Medicare
Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments if you meet certain conditions.
There are 4 kinds of Medicare Savings Programs:
- Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB)
- Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary(SLMB)
- Qualifying Individual (QI)
- Qualified Disabled & Working Individuals(QDWI)
If you qualify for a QMB, SLMB, or QI program, you automatically qualify to get Extra Help paying for Medicare prescription drug coverage.
3 important questions
If you answer “yes” to these 3 questions, visit, or call your Medicaid office to see if you qualify for a Medicare Savings Program in your state:
1. Do you have, or are you eligible for Part A? If you aren’t sure, look on your red, white, and blue Medicare card, or call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213. TTY users should call 1-800-325-0778.
2. Is your income for 2017 at or below the income limits listed below?

3. Do you have limited resources? The 2017 resource limits for the QMB, SLMB, and QI programs are $7,390 for one person and $11,090 for a married couple. Resource limits for the QDWI program are $4,000 for one person or $6,000 for a married couple. Countable resources include money in a checking or savings account, stocks, and bonds. When you count your resources, don’t include your home, one car, burial plot, up to $1,500 for burial costs if you’ve put that money aside, furniture, or other household and personal items.